T-Newsletter #14, February 2014
A belated happy new year to everyone! T-Cycle is back in the shop.
So, what's changed in the past couple months? Well, aside from finally getting around to installing heat in the shop,
- We now sell Ten-Speed (X10.93) Chain! More and more bikes these days require ten-speed, so we thought we'd offer the opportunity to buy bulk chain at a considerable discount to what you'll find in stores. Buying bulk chain means you get exactly what you need, instead of buying lengths of 128" and throwing what you don't need into a box. As we do with our nine-speed chain, every purchase of ten-speed chain will also include a Quick Link Connector to make your chain complete.
- For those of you who've ordered a Windwrap Fairing with a OnePoint Mount from us, you'll have noticed a brand new connector between the riser tube that extends from the hinge and the crossbar that attaches to the fairing itself. It looks a little something like this:

This new T-Clamp makes installation and adjustment so much easier than ever before! One bolt, hidden inside the tube, locks the T-Clamp in place, while four bolts and two arches can be easily removed and tightened using an 3mm Allen wrench.
We've added a Blemmed Fairings section, where you can find fairings with minor imperfections at reduced prices. If you're looking for aerodynamic and weather-protective features, and don't mind a small aesthetic flaw, then it's worth checking out Blemmed Fairings.
Also, we've been hard at work on a brand new project that we're not QUITE ready to name. It's a redesign of an already popular product; and it will prove to be more protective, durable and stylish than ever. Let's just say it'll give you 23 reasons to buy a new idler...